Product Recommendations Can Turn One Sale Into Three

I’m sure you’ve all seen product recommendation engines on other websites. If you’ve ever shopped at Amazon, you’ve definitely seen the list of other books “you just might love” based on the ones you’ve looked at or purchased in the past. Yes, it’s a little creepy that internet bots know your passion for cheap romance novels but as a business owner or even a blogger this idea can help turn one sale into multiple sales. That watch you just bought? It would look amazing with this nail polish, scarf, or jacket. That book? Ten more just like it! That pan? Don’t you need a matching knife? Chances are people do want those things. I personally love suggestions when I’m shopping and I’ve spent plenty of my paycheck on “recommended” products. Your customers will appreciate the suggestions and you’ll appreciate the increase in sales. Product recommendations can easily turn one sell into two or three. For More Information Check Out: Benefits of Using Product Recommendation Engines for E-Commerce Websites

Note: For blogs, the same idea applies with your content. For every article you post, try having a few “recommended” articles on a similar subject at the bottom. Readers are clearly interested and they’ll appreciate you pointing them in the right direction.

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1 Response

  1. Bec says:

    I really appreciate your note about making recommendations in a blog. I am definitely giving this a try. It just might be what my blog needs.

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