POS System Security Scan Can Protect Merchants From A Target-Style Security Breach

Target’s security breach seems to grow by the minute. First, it was 40 million credit cards and debit cards. Then, they found that data of over 100 million customers was compromised. Now, they’ve discovered that other large retailers such as Neiman Marcus were hit. Target’s sales have dramatically dropped and customers are swearing to pay in cash from now on. Everyone wants answers: Merchants want to know what to do to prevent the same thing from happening to them and customers want to know how to shop safely and securely in the future.

Experts agree that things are going to get worse before they get better for merchants. Some claim that point-of-sale terminal hacking is at epidemic proportions.

Trust Guard, a company that specializes in POS Security Scanning, says that due to their recent success with Target, hackers will doggedly increase their efforts and continue their attempts to breach POS Terminals and steal client information. Trust Guard is urging merchants to increase their security with POS scans to stop hackers from getting into their systems in the first place.

PCI Compliant POS scanning is required by credit card companies. A POS system security scan checks card terminals for thousands of vulnerabilities by scanning both web applications and networks remotely and non-intrusively based on the IP address provided. Scans search for threats to operating systems, services, and utilities used for financial or other sensitive transactions. A PCI-compliant scan is performed with an advanced scanning engine that will generate a detailed report listing any server and network vulnerabilities. Then, the merchant can properly resolve the security risks to protect their system from Hackers, and Malware.

“Merchants should protect their customer’s private data with POS scanning. It’s the most effective method because it’s preventative and constant. Terminals are monitored on a regular basis for new vulnerabilities which will continue to stop hackers as equipment, software and networks change. Customers can protect themselves by changing their personal identification number, asking for a new credit card, monitoring their credit reports, and being more careful when they shop. If a merchant doesn’t have POS terminal scanning don’t swipe your card,” said Dave Brandley, co-founder, Trust Guard.

A security breach can destroy a company’s reputation and permanently tarnish a customer’s credit. “This isn’t the first or the last time hackers will have the upper hand. Constant monitoring is the only way to keep hackers out, protect your business and hard work, and keep customers safe and secure,” said Brandley.

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1 Response

  1. Shannon says:

    Before this article came out I had no idea that POS could have security scanning. It is definately something I am going to look for in the future.

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