Monthly Archive: June 2014

Why You Need A Professional Copywriter By Striker Evans

1. You might think that you’re saving money by writing your own copy but chances are you’re actually losing money. If you don’t have a college degree or equal experience in advertising, writing, journalism,...

Why You Need To Re-Examine Your Privacy Policy

Your privacy policy shouldn’t just be another item checked off on your company’s “to do,” list. A well-constructed privacy policy can do more for your business than you might think, and hey! It’s possible...

How To Practice Good Business (And How To Fail)

There are a lot of people out there who think that because they’re smart or because they’re good with people that it’s a no-brainer that they’ll also be great at business. Unfortunately that’s not...

4 Tips To Increase Your Mobile Conversion Rates

4 Tips to Increase Your Mobile Conversion Rates With mobile traffic up 125% since last year, most businesses are betting heavily on mobile eCommerce even though conversion rates are lagging behind the traffic rates....

Quickly Boost Your Sales: Great Sales Resources to Check out This Week

1.  “6 Sure Ways to Increase Sales” – We all know the old adage that it’s ten times easier to keep an existing customer than to lure a new customer, but did you know...

Assuming Nothing: How to Get Good at Split Testing Sales Strategies (Review)

“Assume nothing!” That’s how Derek Gehl’s insightful, in-depth article on how to increase your online sales begins.  And he’s right.  One great strategy you should always remember for increasing your web sales—perhaps the most...

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