Finally, A Simple Customer Support System with Live Chat Capabilities!


Business owners all over the internet are waiting. They know the importance of providing live chat support to their customers – all their competitors are doing it – but still they wait, unwilling to pull the trigger that would almost instantly bring them happier customers and higher conversion rates. Why do they wait? They wait because, until now, finding a simple customer support system with easy-to-use live chat capabilities was like finding a needle in a haystack.

Well the needle has been found! The wait is over! Rhino Support offers a personalized support system for business owners who are looking for an effective support system that can grow with their needs. When business owners provide exceptional customer service, like live chat, for example, their customers treat them with renewed respect and online visitors trust them more – so they stay on the site longer – and more of them end up buying the products and services that are offered.

In fact, studies have shown that people who chat with a support staff are 85% more likely to buy from that company than those who do not. Would five minutes (on average), spent resolving concerns on a one-by-one basis through a live chat platform be worth an extra sale? If so, then the question is, why would any business owner ever wait? Getting Rhino Support loaded up to work with websites is super easy and makes a huge difference in the way visitors perceive online businesses. When visitors trust you, they buy from you. Period.RhinoSupport-300x84

Personally, if I can talk to a human being who cares enough to answer my all my questions about their product, chances are pretty good that I am going to buy from them. So stop waiting. Rhino Support offers a 15 day free trial, making it easy for business owners everywhere to sign up today to start creating happier customers and additional sales.

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