Author: epicecomtools

Why You Need A Professional Copywriter By Striker Evans

1. You might think that you’re saving money by writing your own copy but chances are you’re actually losing money. If you don’t have a college degree or equal experience in advertising, writing, journalism,...

Why You Need To Re-Examine Your Privacy Policy

Your privacy policy shouldn’t just be another item checked off on your company’s “to do,” list. A well-constructed privacy policy can do more for your business than you might think, and hey! It’s possible...

How To Practice Good Business (And How To Fail)

There are a lot of people out there who think that because they’re smart or because they’re good with people that it’s a no-brainer that they’ll also be great at business. Unfortunately that’s not...

4 Tips To Increase Your Mobile Conversion Rates

4 Tips to Increase Your Mobile Conversion Rates With mobile traffic up 125% since last year, most businesses are betting heavily on mobile eCommerce even though conversion rates are lagging behind the traffic rates....

Quickly Boost Your Sales: Great Sales Resources to Check out This Week

1.  “6 Sure Ways to Increase Sales” – We all know the old adage that it’s ten times easier to keep an existing customer than to lure a new customer, but did you know...

Assuming Nothing: How to Get Good at Split Testing Sales Strategies (Review)

“Assume nothing!” That’s how Derek Gehl’s insightful, in-depth article on how to increase your online sales begins.  And he’s right.  One great strategy you should always remember for increasing your web sales—perhaps the most...

Internet Retailer Conference And Exhibition

Internet Retailer Conference And Exhibition, or IRCE, will be held in Chicago from June 10th-June13th. This year they will be celebrating their 10th anniversary. IRCE is a “gathering of retail trailblazers across every industry...

2014 Security Trends For Small Business

The past few years have been ridden with hacker news. Business owners and customers alike are getting more security savvy. Merchants are making an effort to protect both their private information and their reputation...

4 Ways To Tackle The Paradox Of Choice In Web Design

The Paradox of Choice is a concept by American psychologist Barry Schwartz. In the book, Schwartz argues that eliminating consumer choices can greatly reduce anxiety for shoppers. This is a concept that is often linked to smart web design. Often, merchants...

eBay Suffers Attack And Asks 145 Million Users To Change Passwords

It seems that cyber criminals have struck again, this time at eBay. eBay is currently asking users to change their passwords after a cyberattack compromised a database containing encrypted passwords. Supposedly the database was first compromised sometime...

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