Tagged: Business

Product Recommendations Can Turn One Sale Into Three

I’m sure you’ve all seen product recommendation engines on other websites. If you’ve ever shopped at Amazon, you’ve definitely seen the list of other books “you just might love” based on the ones you’ve...

Do You Honestly Know Your Customer Demographic? Influencer Marketing Depends On It

Marketing and advertising has always been similar to running a race that you just can’t win. You’ll never know it all, it will never stay the same long enough for you to even get...

Do You Need To Hit Rock Bottom Before You Stop Making Excuses?

eCommerce, like any business, requires a lot of doing. You can daydream, make lists, tell your business partners, friends, and partners what you’re going to do but nothing, absolutely nothing will come of it...

How To Win The eCommerce Usability War (How Competition Can Crush You If Your Content Sucks)

While eCommerce stores are doing much better than they did a decade ago, about 25% of eCommerce shops fail. Why? Well, honestly, it’s because their usability could use a total overhaul. The ones that...

Size Doesn’t Matter: 26 Things You Must Do To Continually Grow Your Business or Blog

1. Realize what social media really has become. Social media isn’t just for teenagers to post about their crushes. It’s the main way that most people of many demographics communicate. It isn’t something you...

Customers Are Less Rational Than You Think

Long gone are the days where most people buy things based on rational thought. “I need a horse to get me from point A to point B and therefore I’ll save up to buy...

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