What’s the Combination to Your Digital Safe?

Are you a business owner? If so, some of your most treasured and valuable possessions are kept within the solid, steel-like confines of your website and its server. Just as you should lock and protect your tangible safe with all its valuable possessions, so should you do with your digital safe.

“I’m not worried,” you say, “I have an SSL certificate.” Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but an SSL certificate doesn’t lock and protect your website. It just locks and protects credit card transactions. And just to keep the “digital safe” analogy going, once you have given hackers access to your website by not scanning it for security vulnerabilities, they will open it. Once open, they can edit the combination to your digital safe, sending all your customers’ credit card information securely and safely (locked and protected through the SSL) to their bank instead of yours.

Digital SafeThere are more than 75,500 known vulnerabilities that hackers use to attempt to open your password-protected website and steal your website’s valuable information. A simple, daily scan will let you know if your digital safe is still …well, safe. If the security scan finds any vulnerabilities, Trust Guard, the leader in website security, will send you a detailed report explaining how to quickly “change the combination” and once again protect your website and its server from hackers.

If you are just having fun on the internet, and your website is just a hobby for you, keeping it safe and protected from hackers might not be very important to you. Otherwise, think of what could happen if a hacker were to gain access to your online business:

~ You could lose all your content.
~ You could lose all of your customers’ personal information – including credit card numbers.
~ Your website’s forms could all be redirected to the hacker’s website – including your payment forms.
~ You could get your site shut down if Google deems it unsafe for visitors.

Legitimate business owners keep their websites protected and safe from hackers by having Trust Guard run daily security scans to check for vulnerabilities. Don’t think your site has issues and that it never will? Think again. 86% of the time, when Trust Guard scans a website for the first time, it fails. 86%. That’s more than 4 out of every 5 websites. Now how confident do you feel? Visit Trust Guard today! Contact Shayne@trust-guard.com. He’ll give your website a free initial scan to let you know if you’ve already given hackers the combination to your digital safe.



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