Create Your Privacy Policy for Free!

Do you own a blog or website? Then chances are you need a privacy policy. If you created yours a year or two ago, it is time to update it.
Why not get one for free?

Almost 600,000 individuals have utilized to create their unique policy – most in less than half an hour.

Anyone with a blog, website or even an app needs a privacy policy consistent with the various privacy laws and online initiatives. Otherwise, there could be fines, penalties, lawsuits. For app developers, the app stores could suspend and eventually terminate the app account.Privacy Policy

Successful privacy policies have declarations that detail your commitment to protect your visitor’s privacy, including the specific steps that will be taken to do so. When online visitors see that you have a privacy policy, they stay on your site longer and will trust that you will treat them and their PII (personally identifiable information) with the respect they deserve and so desperately want. A good privacy policy makes it clear to your online visitors what information is being collected and stored and how you plan on using that information.

One cool thing about the free privacy policy generator offered by Trust Guard for free is that it is super easy to create your own customized privacy policy. In fact, most business owners take less than fifteen minutes to answer a few questions about their business and website before downloading a finished policy.

Privacy policies, combined with a Privacy Safe trust seal, have been proven to increase sales. When these images are placed on opt-in forms or on check-out pages, your visitors will be able to immediately recognize your good intentions as it relates to keeping their personal information private. The small digital images tell potential customers that you are willing to do whatever it takes to keep their personal information safe and secure. Success will come only when consumers have confidence in your ability to do what you say you will do – or at least that you’ll be able and willing to fix things if there are issues. is the #1 privacy policy creator in the world. Start the quick process of creating your own customized, free privacy policy today! If you need something a little more professional looking, check out


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