Author: epicecomtools

Why You Need Facebook For Your Business To Succeed

Analysts have noticed that too many business’ create a Facebook page, update it infrequently, and then abandon it after a few months thus losing out on potential customers in the process. They don’t realize...

Are You Managing Your Social Media or Failing Flat?

Every size of business struggles with managing their social media efforts. There are blog posts, Twitter updates, Facebook Updates, hashtags, keywords, related links, not to mention recommendations, photos, and the most important aspect of...

If You Want To Be “Liked” Go With Instagram?

Instagram is the frontrunner in the world of social media and sharing. While Facebook and Twitter might have more users, according to this article, Instagram Gets More Interaction Than Other Social Media Platforms, Instagram seems...

The Art Of Using Words To Sell your Product (or yourself)

Copywriting is essentially the art of using words to sell. Remember those ads from when you were a kid and the ad would have this phrase that made you feel like you needed that...

Increase Your Sites Search Traffic (Without Angering Google)

Increase Your Sites Search Traffic (Without Angering Google)

1. Organic Keywords.  it better to write many quality articles on very specific keywords than to go after the ones with more search traffic. A great benefit of staying focused with long-tail key terms is...

M-Commerce From 10% To The Moon?

M-Commerce From 10% To The Moon?

M-Commerce is all over the internet as companies gear up for the hot new shift in e-commerce. While many people use their mobile phone for shopping and it’s projected to possibly surpass shopping from...

12 Ways To Run An Online Marketing Campaign For Free

1. Interns. Not enough business’ utilize the power of interns. They’re fresh from college, eager, and with an array of skills that they’re just burning to use. Interns can easily be your goldmine. Social...

Why You Should Encourage Your Employees To Use Social Media At Work

A lot of employers ban the use of social media at work worried that it will interfere with productivity and create problems in the workplace. However, monitoring employees every move and watching cell phone...

Mobile Commerce And Social Media Are Changing Your Lives Like You Wouldn’t Believe

Technology, companies, social media platforms, accessories are not only “things” or business’, that serve a function in society. Instead, these things are shaping and changing culture, relationships and the way that we live. When...

Anonymous Hacktivist Jeremy Hammond Gets Maximum 10-Year Prison Sentence

Anonymous Hacktivist Jeremy Hammond Gets Maximum 10-Year Prison Sentence


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