Tagged: Business

4 Tips To Increase Your Mobile Conversion Rates

4 Tips to Increase Your Mobile Conversion Rates With mobile traffic up 125% since last year, most businesses are betting heavily on mobile eCommerce even though conversion rates are lagging behind the traffic rates....

Quickly Boost Your Sales: Great Sales Resources to Check out This Week

1.  “6 Sure Ways to Increase Sales” – We all know the old adage that it’s ten times easier to keep an existing customer than to lure a new customer, but did you know...

Assuming Nothing: How to Get Good at Split Testing Sales Strategies (Review)

“Assume nothing!” That’s how Derek Gehl’s insightful, in-depth article on how to increase your online sales begins.  And he’s right.  One great strategy you should always remember for increasing your web sales—perhaps the most...

Internet Retailer Conference And Exhibition

Internet Retailer Conference And Exhibition, or IRCE, will be held in Chicago from June 10th-June13th. This year they will be celebrating their 10th anniversary. IRCE is a “gathering of retail trailblazers across every industry...

Great Trending eCommerce Topics to Check Out This Week By Harper Roark

1. “10 Ways to Raise Your Prices Without Losing Customers” – As you successful build your brand and grow your customer base, an inevitable hard step will become necessary if you want to continue...

7 Tips To Effectively Manage Remote Workers

Technology allows people to communicate easier than ever before so a lot of companies are allowing certain employees to work from home. Currently 2.3% of the US workforce is remote and that number is growing...

Article Roundup: The Best Marketing Articles This Week By Harper Roark

1. “25 Smart Ways to Promote Your Latest Blog Post” – So, you’ve written and published another great blog post!  You’ve only completed step one.  If you want comments, shares, and new readers, you...

Converting Interest To Sales With Trust Seals By Harper Roark

We all know that the single greatest way to convert interest into sales is to build trust between your company and your customer.  But establishing that trust can be more difficult than it initially...

A Fresh Look at Using Story for Branding: A Review of Chase Reeves’ Podcast On Fizzle.co By Harper Roark

The concept of using story for brand building is certainly not a new one, but once in awhile I come across a marketing professional who can really bring the concept to life in a...

6 Things Entrepreneurs Are Doing Wrong (And They Don’t Even Know It) By Striker Evans

1. Providing facts instead of a “vision.” When you’re negotiating, or trying to make a sale, facts will only take you so far. “We have a money back offer! We offer 24/7 support!” These...

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